Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Rally for Change

Monday morning came and I woke up to watch the news before class. I saw that Michelle Obama was coming to SLC to campaign for her husband, and a rally was open to the public. It sparked my interest and I walked to campus with it itching my mind. I called my Mom for a voice of reason, and she encouraged me to go, "experience history in the making." I called my friend Ginger and asked if she was interested in ditching school for the Obama experience, she agreed and our adventure commenced. An hour later we found ourselves in line with others waiting to enter the Salt Palace. The news cameras were bright and in your face, and the people friendly. We gathered all the gratis items we could, and made our way into the reception hall. 3 rows behind the stand we were gathered with an enthusiastic group all seeking something... change. We did the wave, cheered and chanted "Yes we can" until our voices grew hoarse. Michelle's talk was amazing. It inspired me with hope, and refueled my belief in America. I found myself enthralled by here use of rhetoric. To quote her, "I didn't drink the kool-aid" but I heard the topics, and decided for myself. I met her after and thanked her for her moving words, and her belief in changing this world to make it a better place for our children. I walked away a believer and a dreamer. Yes we can.


Taylor_tots said...

That is interesting. I didn't know she was going to be in Salt Lake. I personally think that they will win the presidency. So are you going to vote for him now?

Alex said...

I can relate. A few weeks ago i went to an Obama rally in Vegas before the caucus. I think if there is anyone more impressive and inspiring than Barrak Obama it is Michelle. She is a sharp lady! I am optimistic about the next few months. Time is on Obama's side. The more time they have to hear him the more people are inspired. Fired Up, ready to go!

Anonymous said...

I admire your spontaneity. what an adventure to get up a go for such an experience. it's funny to think that life is fueled by the ups and downs of daily unexpectedness.