Friday, February 22, 2008


So I decided the ultimate comfort food for me: Cheetos. They need to be the crunchy kind, not the puffy ones... I hate the puffs. They stain your fingers, and are full of fat, but there is something about a bag of cheetos that makes me remember to smile. Easter candy also has a place in my heart. Those Cadbury chocolate eggs, not the creme filled ones so much, but the candy shell coated kind.... mmmmm. The best is chocolate chip cookies out of those. Peeps is another topic that needs to be addressed. I have mixed feeling about those marshmallow creatures... the bunnies I can tolerate, well I can tolerate eating one. The chicks are way too much mallow. Does anybody else prefer them hard? I've heard frozen is also a great option.


Keith McKay said...

I guess I never thought there was much difference among the various kinds of peeps. Bravo on liking cheetos, excellent choice. Onething I wish they had more of in Utah are Funions. You ever had those? They're everywhere in California, but I hardly see them here.

BA said...

I seeing Cadbury eggs on the shelves definitely gets me in the Easter spirit!